We are having 2 Boys & 2 Girls!!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

16 week ultrasound - Baby C - Its a Girl!

16 week ultrasound - Baby B - Its a Boy!

16 week ultrasound - Baby A - Its a Boy!

Pics from 16 week ultrasound - Baby D- Its a Girl!

16 week ultrasound

Friday, 8/20/2010
We had our 16 week ultrasound...We are having 2 boys and 2 girls! How blessed are we!!!!!! They were so cute to watch. Baby A is a boy, it looked like he was sucking his thumb. Baby B is a boy too...he is sandwiched in between baby A and C so it was kind of hard to see him but we could tell he was all boy!
Baby C is a girl...she looked so tiny and sweet. Baby D is a girl too. She had her hand resting on the top of her head...all kicked back and relaxed!

We just cant wait till they are here and we can hold & love on them!